
Artquest The Future of... 2021

A far reaching research report commissioned by Artquest and produced by Alex Julyan. Nine areas researched by expert practitioners plot the challenging landscape for artists in the context of Covid-19, Brexit and the Climate Emergency

The London Festival of Architecture

The London Festival of Architecture Guerrillas in our Midst 2021

Traffic Island Garden is a 2020 guerrilla initiative that has transformed a local authority planter into a neighbourhood asset and conversation piece. Visitors to online and on-site events for the festival discussed ways in which green champions can work effectively with the built environment profession

2019 - 2020 Creative Fellowship Exeter University

European Centre for Environment and Human Health

Working in the space between academic and public research to explore the human experience of water-based environments and its relationship to data.

I am considering how images and objects can trigger new forms of
exchange between individuals and groups who work differently around the
same subject. Currently in development, my concluding work will be a
conversation piece, which reflects the potential for diverse evidence
and experience to intersect and connect

2020 New Studio

I am now based at Kindred Studios , Shepherds Bush, W12. Please get in touch to arrange an appointment via my contact page.  Kindred Studios is observing COVID-safe practices.